On the path of conscious creativity
I AM Maria Holtschneider
I humbly embark on a lifelong journey to unlock the mysteries of living a fulfilling life.
Through dance & mindfullness I find BALANCE and I like to share this with you. It is my burning desire to RECONNECT SPIRIT & MATTER - body, mind & soul and act from a place of wholeness, selfworth and selftrust.
I love to experience HONESTY in ART and to bring this authenticity into daily LIFE makes me happy, so I strive to empower creatives & individuals to reach their FULL POTENTIAL by offering tools to enhance the mind-body-soul connection, allowing for meaningful personal growth.
I have german roots and moved to Ibiza in 2018 where SPIRAL DANCE IBIZA and my daughter Lilia were born. An experience of KINDNESS to MYSELF and a rich journey through the darkness of my soul.
WHOLEHEARTedly I SHARE, how I moved from being stuck in frustration and self sabotage pattern into: living a reality where I DECIDE to TRANSMUTE life experiences IN BEAUTY through art, mindfullness and live a balanced daily life, comfortable in my skin with both feet firmly PLANTed on the EARTH.
Magali Madi is ON the SPIRAL DANCE JOURNEY with us…
This wise, dear human being accompanies me in holding space and shares her Magic with us.
Born in a multicultural family, Magali discovered really early that life is made of MULTIPLICITY. Fully positive and enthusiastic by NATURE she developed an endless CURIOSITY for traditions, cultures, religions, legends, stories and all things that can participate to build us. Through nurturing, initiatics travels and incredible encounters, she HARVESTed along years many tools to SERVE others.
Trained as pranic healer, she discovered subtle LINKs between the VIBRATIONAL ALIGNEMENT, SOUNDS and SENSES.
After a decade learning, working and developing links between methods and tools, Magali offers you a SOFT and POWERFUL SPACE in which TRANSFORMATION can happen with GRACE and EASE.
Using mainly her VOICE as tool of changes, alignment, HARMONIZATION she also guides you in session of VOICE ACTIVATION to FREE more of your POTENTIAL and offer you easy and powerful tricks to support and even heal yourself and support your empowerment.
Magali is also an higly intuitive person, deeply GROUNDed and connected to MOTHER EARTH. From this connection and from her no-end curiosity emerged inspirational stories that she enjoys to share through storytelling, as well as a deep connection to SENSES (and primal sensuality) that she loves to express by painting.
She also enjoys accompanying you in a SIMPLE and POTENT discovery - CLAIM of HAPPINESS.